ConstructStreamVAST This function constructs objects with class "StreamVAST". Depending on the arguments supplied, it will either initialize the object from countdata and reachdata, or it will add details to an already defined StreamVAST object.
ConstructStreamVAST This function constructs objects with class "StreamVAST". Depending on the arguments supplied, it will either initialize the object from countdata and reachdata, or it will add details to an already defined StreamVAST object.
- countdata
A dataframe containing count data, such as outputed from AssembleReddData
- reachdata
A sf object with data for reaches, such as from AssignReaches
- surveydata
A optional data frame or sf object with survey information, such as from MakeSurveyTracks, doesn't do much right now
- countname
A column name from countdata to use
- reachname
a column name from reachdata to use
- unitconv
a value to divide river lengths